Inno-Exfo Home Xeroskin Peel HRP, 4x2ml

Inno-Exfo Home Xeroskin Peel HRP, 4x2ml
Innoaesthetics » Inno-Exfo Home, Inno-Exfo Home Xeroskin Peel HRP, 4x2ml

Manufacturer:Innoaesthetics » Inno-Exfo Home
Price: 82.30 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 08.06.2024

Resurfacing program for dry skin

At-home chemical peel that removes dead skin cells from the skin’s upper layer to deeply hydrate the skin and restore the balance of the hydrolipid mantle.

Apply weekly for one month.

1. Cleanse the skin with INNO-DERMA® Soft or Deep Cleanser.
2. Apply Step 1 – Apply on moist skin by gently massaging for 2-3 minutes. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes more. Then rinse off with water.
3. Apply Step 2 – Use a brush to apply 1 or 2 layers leaving 1-minute intervals between layers. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse off with water.
4. Finally, apply INNO-DERMA® Skin Repair or your face moisturizer.

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