Mary Cohr MultiSensitive Serum, 30ml - Soothing and protective serum

Mary Cohr MultiSensitive Serum, 30ml - Soothing and protective serum
Mary Cohr, Mary Cohr MultiSensitive Serum, 30ml - Soothing and protective serum

Manufacturer:Mary Cohr
Price: 62.70 EUR
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Price is valid completing order 03.06.2024

This serum has an in-depth effect, which aims to reduce the sensitivity of delicate skin by regulating its symptoms. It helps to restore the skin's natural defense mechanism, reducing sensitivity and increasing the level of skin tolerance. The fresh and light texture is quickly absorbed, allowing you to apply the cream immediately.

Use: morning and evening under regular cream. Use on chronically sensitive skin or as an intensive aid for short-term sensitivity.

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