Gua Sha Anti aging Massage Tool quartz - gouache massager

Gua Sha Anti aging  Massage Tool quartz -  gouache massager
Gua Sha, Gua Sha Anti aging Massage Tool quartz - gouache massager

Gua Sha Anti aging  Massage Tool quartz -  gouache massagerGua Sha Anti aging  Massage Tool quartz -  gouache massager
Manufacturer:Gua Sha
Price: 13.90 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
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Price is valid completing order 02.06.2024

The gouache massager is a modern instrument of an ancient beauty ritual. Created in the shape of a heart to effectively work out all parts of the face.

Regular massage of gua sha helps:
- to make the cheekbones more expressive;
- to relax tense muscles (natural version botox);
- remove puffiness under the eyes.

How to use massage gua sha correctly?

1. Massage for 3-5 minutes, always on clean skin. Repeat each movement at least 5 times on each side for maximum effect.

2. Chin and jaw: Apply the massager from the center of the chin to the ear, pressing gently.

3. Forehead: start in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows, move the massager in three directions towards the hairline.

4. Cheekbones: start at the nose and move along the cheekbones to the eye line.

5. Under the eyes: start in the inner corner of the eye, move in an arc to the temple, pressing very gently.

6. Eyebrows: Move along the line of the eyebrows from the center of the face.

7. Lips: Gently stroke the lip line 5-7 times.

8. Neck: visually divide the neck into four parts, massage them one by one, moving from the bottom up.

How to cleanse gua sha properly?
Rinse the massager in warm water and leave on a towel until complete drying. My guasha after every use.

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